Choose one Magic

I don’t think the light itself is cold, bro…

Aurora Magic because Elemental Battlegrounds taught me that shit is overpowered.

Mercury magic would be pretty epic ngl. If it ever gets added it should be similar to poison magic.

Psycho magic all the way. Time to start fucking with people’s minds. Probably the most powerful of all mentioned here

if by psycho magic you mean mind control or memory manipulation or something, sure

otherwise sand-metal

you forget that he did it

All of aurora’s moves are ass besides the pew pews (forgor name) and the ult, really ain’t worth.

in elemental battlegroumd, whoever has the most OP magic wins, that’s why it’s fun makes you feel like god (or like a god-defying cockroach)

Meh this applies to some extent, but the “bad” magics (wind, grass, lava, fire, etc) can be actually really good. Imo it’s based off skill, level, and most of all
Who knows the most gimmicks

I remember that if you use the 2 skill of fire magic you can mount the attack and go flying

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That’s kinda noob strats ngl, by “gimmicks” I mean like sweaty level 250s legit abuse “bugs” which make them get way more mobility n stuff and move way faster, there’s also a gimmick with chaos’s grab killing people instantly (whick idk how 2 do even tho im level 187 or smth) there’s some crazy spell bugs where you can have casting thingies the size of the map.

In general just a lot of unfun bugs and glitches in that game

The Bug master


sand moment

obsidian magic sounds AMAZING

How does mercury or psycho magic work?

I already answered the first

Mercury would be liquid metal with a DoT preferably winning a lot of shock but I deal most of the damage with the DoT.

another one bites the dust

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dnc psycho winning
time to become master esper

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Mercury magic is probably the best for defense.

Hey newguy
Check the last posted thing before posting
Don’t bump posts
You’re just lucky it’s just 12 days
Eh welcome to this place called “Cult of Vetex”