Church Of Iris & Other "Abnormals"

Tbf, the peeps in the clan aint downbad degenerate towards Iris, I can vouch since Im in it :fr:

Would you kindly state your Roblox username please :smiley:

I totally won’t be witch hunting you :smiley:

Yeah uhhh no thanks

Let me make myself clear, im not in any way simping towards Iris, I just like churches frfr and they seem chill unlike maincord Iris simps

Enizor is the Uncle Iroh of AO

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(Me slowly realizing that the image is a…)


what the fuqq

this ones going in the KOS list


“Iris Indulger”

Church of Iris? Nah, man, I’m in the Synagogue of Morden because the anime boys deserve some love too, also 'cause Morden’s our homie.

Edit: Okay fine, Synagogue of Morden, period.


Neviro doesn’t deserve any love, none at all

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We need to create the Church Of Edward, he’s the best character and most loyal deckhand


Kinda cringe

That’s not a bad idea actually, even if I don’t personally simp for Edward, I’m sure there are plenty of Edward stans willing to start their own church, I mean, Edward is always by your side.

Edward a goat fr

Church of Iris member in my server if you want to genk it!

Kdang4705 is one of their members

Edward is MY MAN!!!:muscle: :muscle: :muscle: