(CLAIMED) Cataclysm Warlock footage $50 bounty!


i’m not sure how you were gonna make it in the video though does it all need to be at once? i’m sure there’s clips online on servers out there

i just put a bunch of clips together and boom thats a video, as long as its enough footage its good

i’ll try find what i can, not sure i’ll be able to find anything though, it was like a cataclysm warlock showcase video right? all about only it being cataclysym warlock?

the footage should be about a month old from what i can tell, can you filter for videos around the time the elysium clip was? i’m sure you can find it just join a bunch of random servers maybe the guy that took the clips clan or something

i saw it like a month ago sadly. i dont remember who got the clip, who shared it, or where it was. im really good at searching for stuff so i already wouldve done it if i remembered any of that

ig i’ll try the time filter

just searched through 4 different servers with specific times and none had even the one clip i saw, i guess nobody will get this money :fr:

I mean, how do you imagine that? People should come and say: Hey, Vetex! We are about to make money by recording you, please change your class and show your abilities like you are in a television show?

cus i know clips of it exist??? ive seen one but i dont remember where

You sure?

yeah, he was wearing an outfit full of teal and he also had teal hair, it was with iron leg in elysium at the entrance of the main arena

thats just the one clip i remember, there should be more

Are you looking for it aswell?

yea, like i said i just looked through 4 different servers for it with a good timeframe and got nothing

Something like that? (I heard sounds of Elysium)

thats a mage

try use keywords like cataclysm and yeah, yeah that looks like elysium ^mortal

But he is teal)

look at the move names in chat maybe that will help you find

his hair isnt teal
i was hanging out with him while he was progressing the file, but i wasnt able to see it at max level

Where was you searching for it expect YT, maybe you just missed something?