Just let the man/girl draw what they want, I don’t see what the big deal here is. No one likes having there work that they put effort into shit talked.
The other Artist Recruiters are looking into this case.
I don’t care if you asked, I’m showing you how to not trace because it’s obvious and people know it but okay
Yikess, do you not see the problem with tracing?
is there a way to prove I dont trace?
don’t snap at me for trying to help you, but if you have a recording of your process then that tends to help. Some programs have it built-in, but I’m not sure what you use.
can i become an artist, i wanna draw philly cause volg me gwn op de gram philly 020 man hou me in de gaten, y’know?
ill look for something
anis can u draw philly 020 and hold him in de gaten
draw philly 020 if ur a mad legend ye
gotta love when people trace to make mediocre art
Exposed oof
if nobody is gonna draw philly 020, i might have to step up, how does one achieve the rank of artist
Anis this is clearly very traced when you put both images together, I completely understand if you were trying to go for the style of “konosuba” BUT you can represent that without taking a screenshot of the show and going over it…
I suggest next time you take a further study into Natsume Akatsuki and see what makes his style what it is e.g eye’s mouth’s ear’s etc and chop it up into bits to make your own drawing.
I hope this didnt come across as rude but yeah.
Oooooo dono going in
uh oh, im detectin some level of tracin round here
I think it’s fine to trace art only when your trying to learn how certain things are drawn not straight up tracing it.
i think tracing is fine if you trace philly 020, no one else though