[Closed] Buying headless

You know most of the people you named have like 16 headlesses

trade beef awesome

This is why I love trades
So much drama lmao

holy shit you’re a degenerate :joy:
so utterly sensitive, you got all pissy from a comment about you being a loser

on god
Whoever changes the title after getting a headless must really be degenerates or literal huge addicts of wom that just want “peace” and warn others not to trade or follow them
And thats me
I am the degenerate addict : D

People who put closed in the title :smiling_face_with_tear:


Lemme change the title just to keep it friendly trol!

regular perms haha wrecked

Pls put " L + Ratio + Cope "in the title

Well, I don’t think I’m allowed to do that.

For the funny

Unwarranted and probably against the rules. We can edit titles but we can’t just freely do so. Changing it back was probably fine, I think so, but doing that would just be deliberate targeting. Don’t gotta stoop down to his level now.


Just changed it because I don’t think we need a long title making fun of like several users or whatever in a marketplace for trading. Seems way to extra and I don’t think people will be to happy seeing the titles name if it gets to them. But hey a lot of forumers manage to make things into jokes

But just to be safe I might as well change it back to “buying headless”


its closed so i put closed

Alright, don’t want any further drama here. It’s fun to watch drama go down but it’s just an annoyance, you’re speaking to a literal wall if this occured or something.

mad cuz bad

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