What am I looking at
Sunken Swords phoenix thing that dealt 550+ damage in one projectile
Warriors eating tonight.
I gotta get tha for my Grand Navy file fr…
Vindicator and Sunken sword goes HARD
ravenna sword could be very viable for hybrids.
Where are the ones that were complaining about not getting rare weapons now?
barrier looks delicious.
Reflexes have their own symbol like the others and gives a description of what they do.
Also, Selectorch mentioned Paladins and Juggernauts, but not mention Knights. .
Are we that forgettable?
apparently : yes
Flying pheonix - AA cutlass
Sparrow thurst - F.S. shockwave
Just began to watch selectorch’s video on dodge reflexes
And saw that they don’t use energy, they’re free to use
Wait is there something in the vitality dodge, i swear i see a shield
Not another brainless warrior weapon… please…
Wind surge is used at 8:22