Comment and I will relate an AO character to you

Argos because he is tanky and uses weapons.

Uh… Arish Vista cuz he’s the one mage in existence.

pretty sure carina is basic but okay :fr:

i have a feeling i know who you will choose but

Tobin Silverthorn
:lightning_magic_var1:Lightning Sailor warlock/ :lightning_magic_var1:Lightning Sailor Boxing savant (depending on how much i hate myself)

I’m gonna have to go with Calvus because he’s a savant. Would have gone Elius if you used weapons as well.

i use weapons on the savant file if that counts

Alright, then ur Elius.

I don’t get it, what’s that supposed to mean? I did note that those guys are running/swimming waaaaaaaaay too fast for vanilla minecraft.

@Goopman plz explain this to me

i am filled with joy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m guessing Elius is ur favorite boss.

yes (also the reason they run real fast is because of a dolphin underwater)

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wind conj with greenwish staff, scims, and rapier

i run speed size agil and power

interesting to know

Hmm… This is a tough one, but I’m gonna go with Elius because of scimitars and the stats are pretty balanced out.

do they have to only be bosses

No. I also used Arish Vista, thought my mind first sets on bosses. What would ur choice be?

i have no idea who uses wind :frcryin:

warlord, basic/thermo fs (i use them interchangebly) with sabre, staff and musket