Cringe clan names

Honestly, something like this should just be reported. I feel dirty posting this without spoilering the image

why honeybuns specifically?

uh they say that if you heat honeybuns in the microwave they become scorching hot on the inside so do with that information what you will

The Savants, it gets the point across yet, but its too ‘straightforward’ and a bit cliche
wait why am i saying this i literally made the clan myself-

bro is NOT zoro

Screen Shot 2023-04-15 at 7.00.11 AM

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humanity was a mistake
aint no way theyre worshipping a lego character


It’s funny that some members of weird clan names are actually pretty chill.


Is this kind of thing worth making a player ticket on the discord over? It’s so generically edgy it feels like it’s not even worth the effort, but I’m pretty sure it does violate roblox TOS (this counts as glorifying racism, right?)



I mean yeah it does violate the TOS but looking at it feels more like a troll clan

wait what wdym

a real shitty AUS player, I despise him

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lemme guess he ganks and spawn kills people doesn’t he?

I am personally friends with him but if yall hate him you are valid for your own opinion. I basically never see usertrashs actually gank people he only does so to gain bounty / fame. Although yeah his personality is a downside but overall he is chill.

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ah I see, ty for the info

Its not the first time

what the flippers iklasi how dare you insult the personality of the great useristrash

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I dare sooo much pookie pooper

hello cannon agnis and heliosk