Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

roblox physics am i right fellas? gotta love when they work

Dagon is reaaaal!!!

or whirlpool lost magic, that could be it too

a whirl of fun

I found the DJ Khaled deckhand

castaway amalgamation

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Ah yes… My boy ℸ ̣ꖌ⎓ꖎ ̇/ᓭ↸ℸ ̣ᒷ||


Even after all these years. .


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i forgot we used to have crossbows in wom, i wonder if we’ll ever get them back in ao

Dual daggers would be neat as well.

scarlett J hanson

The CastAway

look what they did to Tiberia brooo :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :skull: :skull: can’t have shit in Ravenna

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drowned items from a cernunno chart

Yeah that’s supposed to happen (I have just noticed that you were already made aware of this)

Did vetex secretly change something again?

wait only chest items? why would he need to nerf it so that they cant sell rare+ stuffs then

i barely remember anything ( if theres any at all ) that are rare+ from chests

excluding scrolls and rare weapons ofc, but i dont think they can sell those even before being nerfed

you can get potion ingredients and gems from chests, thats about it

yeah and none of them are rare+

all the normal gem, maybe except for diamond are uncommon iirc

if some of them are rare and the merchant cant sell them then honestly they really are very worthless now

Info is outdated, same as with knight awakening up untill DS update.
Rn merchants sell what normal merchants would sell (chest items and 100% “tool”) PLUS catalysts and reagents for brewing.


Everything was limited to common - uncommon which is just a joke,



whats knight awakening now?