Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

holy shit bro it was ONE on the fly screenshot i took to show this very peculiar guild and 50 replies flood in questioning my masculinity, bitch im more masculine than any of yall privileged ass americans/europeans/asians/a**tralians, hop down to skanky egypt or africa then talk to me :yawning_face:

hop up to canada little maidy child before you talk to me

everyone in canada is born as a femboy by default :skull: :skull: @Rake is the model canadian yet hes the biggest femboy mf on earf

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I’ve met more than enough male people in canada to know that’s a lie!

granted most of them were asian because GATE

shut up femboy lol

i dont rely on being submissive to be breedable unlike you :smirk:

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This is one of the sentences I’ve ever seen



I don’t rely on anything, and are you sure you’re telling the truth little maidy child considering you’re a maid
aroace moment

you havent denied it once meaning that its true, you boondoggled femboy child

pretty sure I had, not to mention I’m not, not to mention you just did not deny that you were not telling the truth little maidy child, thus you have fallen into the trap of being a maid.

i have denied it several instances prior and i have already proved my overwhelmingly testosterone filled hair packed masculinity, while you the stinker femboy child canadian has not denied it once

firstly, when I say that it was a lie, that means you said an incorrection.
secondly little maid, just because you’re in denial doesn’t mean you’re not a maid little maidy child

you are a random

I have lurked for years

who this

@Baba @fish can you answer this guys question

who are any of those people??? randoms too

regardless little maid, how about we let the topic get back on track instead of complaining that you’ve never heard of two people who predate you by a year


the images guy, and the roselight leader