Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

bros fighting them at level 7 lol

he was fortunately heavily lowered

Silent Tower Jenga?

Nah, fuck that, we’re on that SILENT TOWER Y E E T NOW
Yes, physics broke. The pieces were not moving.

The magic council acted as if nothing happened, too. Still guarding it all the same.


I’m a villain rep solely because I want to bully and attack magic council members

fuck the magic council me and the homies HATE the magic council

I’m doing villain rep once I get to lvl 105 so I can farm the council for exp

that looks like an end game area thing after some bigass magic shit happens and now you’re fighting on floating stuff

legit just the pizza tower final boss

“Let him cook.”


mmm fresh B A N D I T

I got vaporized after killing a bandit.
He was the favorite of some deity or other I guess.

ah yes sweet canibalism


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ezia moment

Medium rare bandits, my favorite.


This is Ezia?



Im not surprised. Man tries to say thats someone is evil, but he doesn’t see himself from the side.