Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

because AO:EA is buggy loveable mess

Yes :sob:
this gonna get abandoned soon

why tf is “girl” a last name option

It’s not, it’s a clan name.

Ah hell naw, the chronically online are taking over AO

i thought it was a character at first and then i realized it was a clan

Aw hell nah, Blud learned how to do push-ups in the air. Grind never stops when your in the slammer I suppose.

why you still playing WoM?

Nah, this was back when WoM Released or was in the middle of it’s testing phases, can’t remember but it’s old because my character has red hair.

ah okay

can confirm that castaways hate Ravenna, happened to me one time and I regretted not plundering them

It’s so strange seeing WoM images now that AO is out

but unholy moments from both games are still welcome regardless

Strange, they always cooperate when I take them to Ravenna


Elius ascended

Calvus got subway
Don’t tell the bronze legion


nice font, how can I get custom font like yours?

bitch changed Roblox’s text into Shakespeare

The medieval font goes hard :face_holding_back_tears:

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