Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

I have 3 legendary deckhands which i go 122 speed and i still don’t go that fast so its obviously exploits.

I defeat the Best


old screenshot but man people spent money to send these :sob: :sob: :skull_and_crossbones:


the red slowly got em

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My friend discovered that if you reach level 50 and don’t do the first few story objectives, then try to join a faction you can join them but the beginner’s rags will still override the outfit

I showed this to the denizens of cryo’s server and derp is still a nerd as always.

Some things might never change.

the water trail is happening way above sea level…

love the ship name

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oh my GOODNESS this thread goes on forever
Anyways I’ll put these here too

Oh, I remember this one! It made sense for them to sell clown noses after what they did to their ship

Bro, merchants are bozo’s, they had hammer and did not repair their own ship :fishing_pole_and_fish: :clown_face:


They just sailed it right into the docks and everything, these guys need to be fired

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Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 11.49.27 AM
Screenshot 2023-03-26 at 11.32.09 AM

the benefits of playing on a 3 year old macbook air is that you can get some really cursed images

level 2500 master wizard

the map is gone


What the sealed chest doin’?

Funnily enough i managed to grab it and open it

hey lettuce, did you clip that pirate ship that imploded after mine gave it a hug with my fire ram


Bonus clip

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What’s odd in the bonus clip

There’s a guy who fell out of his boat and into the ocean
I don’t think you can see him though

what does it mean


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Michael Jordan