Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

dude got tired tired of boss farming ( and enchanting rng )


I seriously don’t get why you’d make that trade

Farming Carina isn’t that hard it just takes a bit of time to get her drops, so I can get that back eventually
Then there’s the eggs which are forever unobtainable



this is how professionals do it


Key Exploits?(it’s not me, it’s a youtuber)

why tf is a Blue Key playin the game?!

not sure who that is
i was just trying to park my ship when it suddenly had a seizure and then flipped itself

Bro got sent across the arcaneverse

bro is ASKING for it at that point

one misplaced blast and all of his hopes and dreams are gone

I dont know if you know it yet, but in case you do not:
Amount of hunger in a meal is based on the size of the fish, not its rarity.
You can have a golden common fish, which would become rare, and a collosal squid, which is also rare, but collosal squid obviously gives a lot more hunger.

Lucky bronze rod might help a bit.

now thats what i called a great parking skill

wouldnt a sturdy one better? since it gives you giant fishes more often

it used to be way better back when destroyed parts didnt respawn. Ravenna also has 3 different texts in the newspaper for each town destroyed which is pretty cool

true, but i prefer lucky for higher chance of stuff like basking shark and collosal squid

oh yeah here is this

I forgot to post it 13 days ago :skull:


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femboys are’nt gay.

Scientifically proven