Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

Is something like this what we’re going to start seeing after the Nimbus Sea Update comes out

This whole thing feels like it’d be urban legend-worthy in-universe ngl lol

What is this? I didn’t bought extra file pass…
and what is the Sorcerer?

template/testing character, dw about it

sorcerer is presumably mage’s old name

The Flying Sea Creature Incident of November 6th 2023

i could not stop laughing and shaking in fear at that thing :sob:


it’s the default juice

I canonically die 1220 times each time I touch a large wave

Bro managed to catch “big” fish in insanity range :skull:

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Same thing

Also I finally have a reason to be able to post this

it’s been here since release and it’s still not fixed


“Tasty H U M A N”

Bro never visited his dentist and had only two good teeth because of it

as long as he doesent abuse it, its fine
he didnt even trigger it on purpose either.

what is it with you and getting jumpscared by instant death, mimhere?
first the sand atlantean and now white eyes descending from the heavens.

White Eyes be like: Be not afraid



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