Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

golden fish
Do you think this guy can catch a golden fish today?

the number brothers

Or he quickly got married and asked the same question again

Just got the fire curse how do I stop being made of pure magic?

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go in the water

Well that would technically work, I’m not doing it though

Ok so I became a small orb


“You’re probably wondering how I got here”

Bro is gonna become the new Durza

I’m going to make The Dark Sea 2

The War Seas are gonna become the Blazing Seas

Going to fight God

I won. GG

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You are the new Arthur the Cursebeard

Watching over the bronze sea


You breathed wrong, 500 DMG X 3

don’t put barrels loose in the ship
loose barrels are prone to bursting

either I found a broken dark sea island or this is the “overhang” biome