Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

this always happens to me

this also happened yesterday (the game didn’t even consider the chests to be on my ship so I had to go put them somewhere else)


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“The shadow figures… who are they?”
Bro that ain’t no shadow, that’s Russell the Hawk :sob:

insanity 4 and warding 5 moment


They don’t know which side they are on

That’s a wom file :sob: nothing cursed about that

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Ok that is clever

guys is this rare

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No you get those all the time. I think they are used as a potion ingredient.

yo can I buy it for a few cans

You probably fight like this, right? :smile:

yeah someone tell me how your supposed to use gunpowder barrels to attack ships (give me an example)

Cannon fist v2

Jump on ship with 2 barrels and shot them with gun

Give us the ability to instadetonate barrels we carry