Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)


Their bounty poster was pure missinformation they were actually lv 74

You know too well what that is, don’t you?

Domestication of the White Eyes has led to these disgustingly deformed breeds of a once beautiful species. When will we learn to stop playing God.


Clearly your knowledge surpasses mine.

They hated him so much they decided to execute him twice

The shipwright of Rasna is after me

He wants you to join him

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smash fr


werent double awakenings patched a while ago? or was that balance doc/nimbus stuff

What? Double awakenings? What does that do
Are you able to choose which of your 2 magics you imbue into Iron Leg? I’d love to see a clip of that

i think it was just a visual bug where you’d have both badges in the menu

this isn’t supposed to happen on dawn island

lightning does that

Since Nimbus gonna release soon might as well get double pulsar and surge to showcase them

I thought 100/100/50 was supposed to make you a savant, or is not being a savant part of the glitch?

Yes, that is part of the glitch. Also, he has two magics, despite being a warlock which can only have one currently, and his FS is not imbued even though it automatically imbues whenever you pull it out.

the whale has laid its trap

when it was first added i thought whales are friendly and dont attack unless you attack them first

needless to say, having a giant marine animal coming straight at me was not a fun experience