Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

as a person with almost 200k galleons, i see this as an absolute win.


this is slowly gonna turn into a creepypasta, bet.

(Or ratherā€¦it shouldnā€™t.)

oh poof I accidentaly deleted the first one from streamables :frpensive:

how did you even GET that many galleons

Truly Legendary chest

whatā€™s the joke?

I think that itā€™s not the good rarity
Or that he obtained a legendary chart in a legendary chart

Could be that he got a legendary chart and a legendary scale together

Funny name

I play the game and have fun a lot! Time just flys and now I have max galloons

the light of noble has finally been extinguished

I also play the game a lot, yet i have only 2.5k galleons :sob:

As they say, youā€™re locked inā€¦ 1745 grapes.

Iā€™ll try guessing your hours: 1324, probably a PvE Demon so powerful even Satan is afraid, and around a million items found.

Well ā€¦ Closeā€¦ I consider myself a PVE angel! I dont have 1 million items thoughā€¦ Only ~750K

In all seriousness I just like AO haha


I meanā€¦ who actually uses their grapes though??? I bet I have more fr (probably not).
I donā€™t eat food items unless they are in a meal, so I always have like 7 preprepared meals. I eat one every time I go below 99 hunger, so my hunger is always over max. Thatā€™s why I never cook my grapes because they give very little hunger in meals. They are not right for feastmaxxing (100+ hunger) :muscle::muscle:.
Lasts me way longer than anyone else. Thatā€™s why I HATE seeing those clips where people have like 20 hunger and they just decide to down 5 applesā€¦ Wasteful!!! they do not know what chef gaming is like :cry: because they cant bother spending five seconds cooking a meal smh.

Wait you guys eats your meals?

Yeah I just cook them and then store them in my inventory for 500 years while I eat raw coconuts with the shell on


you cant be a pve angel when you have a demon as your pfp silly