Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

“Aaaaah! Money”

gimme 20k galleons please :pleading_face:

hmmmmm what if it is…

so then after the cutscene he can take the money, he’s just that greedy that he would sacrifice his life for it lol



wait i just thought of something
we should have prime soul battles in elysium
hear me out, argos prime, carina prime, elius prime

I like to imagine a black man with a thunderstorm background when I see this

You serve ZERO purpose : r/hardimages

oh my god

man this new transformers movie sounds ass

Me when I see AOE berserker or metal mage while being glass cannon savant:

never forget… level -9223372036854776000 Ravenna Ensign that gave -8 million billion octillion rep

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Proof MC went to a party with the Order of Aesir then got washed up somehow

There’s more

i think i found a new abnormality

Roland and his ability to make boxes float

Drama and soap opera in Silverhold

secret tunels

soap opera

vice captain colon