Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

AO Freddy Krueger

스크린샷 2024-03-31 181849

스크린샷 2024-03-31 182100
Breaking dance

Man fuck the gravy.

Stretchy sails are back

the last image before Rain Poisoning killed me

oh well, wasn’t that an experience?

Wait what? You also decapitated a blue person called bush?

I shot him and his mind was blown

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Followup photo
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Savant with no awakening:

(2nd Magic with nothing in magic)

Quest marker from the last sea:

Funny enough, it somewhat correctly show.

How the fuck can you put 150 in one stat

-the guy that did it

You shall not pass!

woe, not my image upon ye
it is quite literally mino, 629 dmg axe throw

Weak. Not enough damage on the axe throw

they changed it

the hp difference remains, quite simple really

That has to be a bug