Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

merchant trying to scam people by selling something that doesn’t exist (You should part ways with him/her)

unobtainable illegal item! sell each one for 500k galleons! 10 for a headless!


Fish bait is too powerful to remove

it counts that when you kill the pirates at sea of masts might be a bug idk

the name is this highlight…

yes ik

even tho I don’t get the reference

lamina shouldn’t exist


it’s a last name from wom that got removed when the game turned into ao

the attack that caused that did 8880 damage, if parrying reduces damage taken by 95%


how the fuck do you have a level 90 vindicator
shouldn’t it have gotten wiped?
cause last i checked vindi’s minimum level is 110.

armour piercing exists

nuh uh

also this
parrying exists again



he opened the file after the wype maybe