Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

i was caught lacking in the wrong hood

Im trying to understand that, but i can’t :frcryin:

“ya po” i don’t know
“que queri” “what do you want”
“no te metai con la grasa” “don’t mess with”… i don’t know what la grasa would be
“no te metas con la papu gang” “don’t mess with the papu gang”
“youare cringe” “you’re cringe”

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i know they are speaking Spanish, cus i speak Spanish :]
but this without context is frikin weird

Someone else who knows spanish…

Very pleasant indeed…

erm… what the flip…


bro found another sea cluster

New update leak looking fire

yeah, maybe he should rethink his title


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this reminds me of a hallucination idea I have of the dark sea suddenly looking perfectly normal with no possible indicators of anything before suddenly snapping back

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wait that’s not supposed to be possible

islands can only spawn with ships

I think that’s wind row. There was a similar picture where the far reaches thing appeared at sandfall.

For me, it appeared at an underwater structure!

the far reaches… of the ocean


Erm what the sigma :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Vetex added GER confirmed??

Nah, its just a Chaos messing with us