Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

Fire Paladin specifically, but yea.
Been a Fire user since AA, back then it was my second magic though.
WoM is when i really started focusing on it.

yeah bro 1v1 underwater lets see how you do

you do realize this next update is giving me the half of my class i’ve been missing, right?
besides, vetex wants to add a way to waterproof spells at some point

near the end of nimbus
rejoice (i say this as a fire/explosion mage)



batman with prep time

fellow fire magic user here… unfortunately I made the mistake of going warlock
“ermmm ermm you forgot about the iron leg synergy!!!” – :nerd_face:
i didn’t forget i just cant USE it because IRON LEG is SLOW AS SHIT

basic combat is funnier anyways

  • Looks AWFUL
  • Stats are AWFUL
  • BORING Imbue
  • NO Status Effect Synergies
  • NO creativity
    To summarize;
    Never Cook Again

have thoust considered fire cannon-fist :smirk:

the true human weapon build

back when I first started ao I used it
yeah there’s a reason I dropped it in the first month

Fellow fire warlock here… I use sailor style and it works. Sort of.

Based!!! I actually used to do the same, but switched to thermo because it was very powerful at the time and synergized well with fire
but soon after I did came the nerfs
haven’t played in a while and I heard steam got buffed. Should I switch back? We could be steamlock twins. :muscle:

honestly steamlock is mad funny cause no one uses it


bro took 1 yr to respond

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the thing decided not to thing anymore

yea it does that alot

what has my rival been up to bro
Screenshot 2024-05-15 181357
btw my rival is #2 on the bounty board and the #1 is only lvl 260 so idk what is going on