Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

  • if your graphics quality isn’t at ten you just can’t see it

Why did it do that

Because of darkness and fog, when day came I started to see small ship-like figure in the fog.

I think Vetex should have pulled a developer trick named using perspective. He should have put (just for the time of this quest and/or cinematic) a smaller version of the Fenrir near the island, then put the real one where it is now in-game

This invasion… is so fast.

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Or alternatively, the camera should have just went to it as soon as it was clear we were supposed to be looking at something

That would work too

How did you even get up there

“I absolve you of your sins.”

Only if you continue to witness the path of Atk Spd that is.
  • giant
  • cube-like (a little too short but ehh)
  • floats
  • in the dark sea
    that’s the earth curse duh

This is fine

Blitzkrieg tactics

hes back

And he is angry, he’s gonna exterminate White Eye’s population.

i think he wants to say something

Out biggest fear was always nothing, the great, ever-expanding void…

For our spirit energy to become golden we need to have green blood and for our spirit energy to become red we need to have yellow blood.