Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

Funny fact: Color of the lightning affects the badge message’s color. Ancient lightning gives red, dark sea lightning gives purple and Dawn’s island lightning gives teal such a nice detail.

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I had no idea how much this shit sucks ass at night

Not super odd but also didn’t really warrant its own topic

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embed failure

Works perfectly fine on my end

Yep, embed failure.

I don’t know what’s going on cause even when I switched to my phone it’s working fine

how are people able to view medal embeds? they always break for me

Me too.

Looks like vetex forgot again…
on Conjurer when imbuing Rain of Arrows and its bigger brother, Storm of Arrows, Rain has magic effects on the arrows, while Storm does not.

y there 2 different rain of arrows skills

Storm of Arrows is an upgraded version of Rain of Arrows, found on the Stormcaller (elius’ bow)
it deals slightly less damage per hit but has 5 hits instead of 3.

They also dont share cooldown…

Write that shit down. WRITE IT DOWN.

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Where the hell are the npcs at

Little did Fexo know that Abyss Seas had become reality, and hiding within the homes lining the once bustling streets of Ravenna’s capital city are horrors of the Dark Sea, and their eyes gleam with hunger from behind shuttered windows and shadowy alleyways…

(Just ignore what looks like a deckhand NPC in the second screenshot)

Not an ordinary sailor indeed

/e dance

Another broken clip.

Wouldn’t be the first time I accidentally summoned the dark sea upon revenna

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