Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

i know the music on this one

ā€œstep bro im stuckā€


there was a time when I spawned as a grey default model and the entire world was grey

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go ukraine

we are sunken sword


i will pay a strong oath for the credentials to the strong sunken sword account hmu

even if they changed the names you cant take it :nerd_face:

strong sunken sword is that one guyā€™s main bro

also btw guys swift is the best sunken sword enchantment and you cant prove me wrong

my eyes hurt.

this is the dumb shit iā€™m doing instead of playing on my server that i am paying for

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Itā€™s my main account too lmfao

rip I didnā€™t realize someone mentioned it, now I look like a :clown_face:

oathkeeper winning

cant stand a chance againt the elite group of sunken swords

what if theres also an elite group of oathkeepersā€¦

I mean oathkeepers can cover significantly more range than some measly sunkens, sure theres that vortex move but in reality unlike oathkeepers if you are far away it should really not be an issue.

ok but try using oathkeepers in pvp without a strength build, youā€™re going to get your ass kicked

why cant oath-keepers have the strength build as wellā€¦?

i never said sunken swords get a strength build either, its the only pvp viable weapon without a strength build
thats the entire point of it

idk i feel like if both sides fought with strength buildsā€¦

the winner would probably have to go down to:

the winner of the epic battle

wooden club.