Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 2)

Usually this does the job.

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Okay, I’ll grant you, spirit imbue does kind of just look regularly cool.

shockwave on paladin is goated

Okay personally, if I were to make another Theos file (I deleted my old one) I’d do something more like this.

Or if it were a paladin (it would be) I’d do this.

Size is a real standout for Theos if you ask me.

Oh, and we can also do away with silly Agility. It makes sense, but I don’t want to use it.

How do you like that, @Mr_hyperspace? High-stat build with entirely modified gear! And there’s nothing you can do to match it.

Must be painful getting it pinned on the nipple

You know how it feels to get your hair pulled? Imagine having a cape attached to your nipple pulled on.

I am not going to imagine this actually

Does posting a goofy build from Gear Builder count as an Arcane Oddity?


Why would it?

Because I don’t feel like it’s deserving of making a topic just for it, but I don’t have anywhere else to put it.

Then don’t post it here? The wiki exists

The wiki just talks about birthdays and stuff.

By the way you’re feeling this all while actively running, punching, and fighting.

I may have encountered a level 10k poison user


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as a side note this is also how i beat carina. i literally just endured so long that her phase 2 regen WORE OFF and i chipped her to death

three elius was spared

(as a bonus, all of them are defense deckhand)

Bro, im in bronze sea, what do you mean he’s in Sameria :sob:

thats where they saw him dawg


seems photoshopped