Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 2)

I do but I’m very new to abyssal diving

unfortunately after around 150-200 meters, clearsight does nothing, holding promethus acrimonies does nothing, having waist lantern toggled does nothing

it’s just pitch black

now sign my petition…

i swear lvl 1’s are getting more and more bold

is this supposed to be good or bad?!

Don’t you just fucking hate it when you wanna murder people again but get devoured by a maelstrom?

no way adventure story reference

all those crew members are gonna be c3 now, hope you get some corrupted gear

I cant get the corrupted gear I never made it past the druids and tanglers
I only remember me having bomb toss, bow and arrow, slap, ice armor, fireclaw and that one lightning attack

I went to Nimbus sea mount othrys

where skyhall

Dark sea cloud thingy

(at sameria) pink pathway lol

It also appears if you sail into the Dark sea with a skyship.
The waves there truly are formidable, cobsidering that a skyship at several hundred meters altitude still takes damage from rough seas.

Rough clouds/air.

I think that’s called “turbulence”

new spirit weapon just dropped
Screenshot 2025-01-25 215426

It comes with the rite Aircondicia!

It has a special grab skill which forces you and your opponent to sit down and listen to you vent to them, dealing damage based off of how extreme the trauma is

Its ultimate art will summon a spirit that will keep the player in an unskippable cutscene where the spirit yaps about its issues in life

all of its rites have names so long they dont fit in the box

Legit, Lore and Gameplay accurate

Screenshot 2025-01-25 102802




and that’s how ghost ships came to be

I’ve seen a similar looking thing happen, except instead of an NPC ship, it was me getting stuck to my ship, and the ship moving around when I did, and me being unable to walk or get off.