Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 2)

what happened to the ocean

sorry, I drinked it all :pensive:

hell naw

Nothing unusual here, it’s just a Heavy Merchant Caravan.
It was about to finish up its travels until some shameless bandits attacked it right next to the city’s walls.

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strong bandits

This fodder wanted to take the fight outside


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this happens

i think its from them not being loaded into the game yet so their level is automatically 1 until they load in

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thats how it works

1 month. 9 days.

Nilah shows off her curse

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Let’s come back to this after Nilah’s curse is revealed.
I’m hoping that it’s something other than sand because that’d be far too stereotypical.
On the chance that it isn’t sand, I’m going to go and guess that it’s some form of poison or acid curse, after all, why would she be portrayed by a royal cobra (it better not be because of some silly “because it’s a royal cobra” reason)?

that happens when they first join the game

i’m guessing it could be sun because of sameria’s flag, it’s possible that she’s the founder of sameria if she has a curse, so the flag could be based on her power

Ah yes, sand, for the obvious Sun Curse user.
Not only does she have the right color eyes, but her kingdom has a sun for a logo, and her palace is called the “Sun Palace”!

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watch it be the flare curse instead

It’s the wrong color.

watch it be the diamond curse instead