Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

Nothing could possibly go wrong. Especially if there was a single cannonball

I wonder, do old Arcane Adventures screenshots count?
(due to this being old, you may not get just how fucking cursed this image is)


How in the world did you get 7 whole beta bracelets

The funny thing is i got absolutely zero clue.
It just kind of started duplicating itself in my inventory one day which I found odd, but it the bracelets were untradeable and whatever was duping them didnt seem to be interested in other items so I just kinda deemed it not worth reporting and decided to let it be.

He forgot to include the blue paint

The navy is pulling up

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wait a min-

Hold up.
Something aint right.

It’s a guild that uses the grand navy’s icon for theirs

I’ve seen them before in a server

vertical bayonette? idk


^ not my screenshot, i stole it from someone over at the ao wiki discord server

anyways would anyone care for a burnt apple

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Got this one yesterday

a mimir
