Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

thought it was atleast in the quintillions

The amount of 8s plays mind tricks on me

Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep before doing it though.

Oh, sh, I only have 6

That reminds me of an old WoM picture I have

(theres been infinite damage before i cant find the pic)


This is probably how much damage Durza’s blast dealt that turned most of the world into the dark sea.

saitama of arcane odyssey is right, not even martin could withstand this

I could tank that attack if I was hydrated tbh.

Time to bring out the 35000000000000000000000000000000000 health build to just about tank it

armor piercing:

Anyone notice anything strange in this picture?

aside from the amount of money you have, the person who owns that ketch isn’t in the player list (or they left the clan?)

Correct. I have no idea who owns that ketch and I didn’t find anyone on the island either.

archimedes is spelled wrong

“archimedis” is written wrong and as a greek it pisses me off

didnt see your reply but yes this

All i can think about when i hear/see the name Archimedes is TF2.

wth is tf2

the forest 2