level <500 issue (if you are good)
whispering plains
whispering area that happens to have trees
You’ve made me proud.
Honestly kinda beautiful
That confirms that a level 10k WOM player is as strong as one of the eleven unknowns.
Creating a blackhole would make a 10k WoM player the 2nd strongest unknown
That clash was a 20 blast right? Also don’t tell me all of that destruction is from your pillar. I need to reach level 10k and get a magic size set now
we need a max shadow and light clash
Someone has to make a whispering forest-bronze grasslands mashup
strongest light wizard vs weakest explosion chad
explosion mfs trying to see after being met with the unmatched power of the sun
I made a new file just to test out paper magic
is this supposed to happen?
analog horros shits
yeah its meant to happen
just make sure They aren’t in your view for the next 5000 levels
also I don’t plan on joining this file ever again