Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

he eepy, dont disturb him

no need to worry he gave terrible stats

Thicc sails.

weak, i’ve seen sails that stretch so far you cant even see the end of them anymore

I swear, the Dark Sea is so easy but whenever you do die it’s always the stupidest thing possible.

I’m still not sure how this happened but I think a tornado spawned on top of me right as I had 2 Atlanteans chasing me, and because of the tornado I got stuck under the cap of a giant mushroom.

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The Dark Sea is fair, balanced and skill based.

You mean these?

“luck correlates with skill!”

I asked Vetex for Cataclysm to free the parking slot for me.

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arcane parallelparkyssey

I feel your pain dude, I had a tornado spawn on me right after I entered the interior of some siren rocks.
At least it was AFTER the sirens were dead. That could’ve been really hairy if not for that, and the fact that there was miraculous one bit of space I could sit on to avoid the damage.

they mustve not changed their name from the WoM presets after ao released

Truly a dark sea momemt

happened to me when I revived my screen was perma red

I once had a tornado that spawned on me the moment I died, preventing me from being revived.

This genuinely looks cool wtf

Lil bro is a bit in wrong sea

(outdated as Bounty LB no longer has Disgaea digits)

I can’t believe the King has killed his own soldiers…

he was just testing, you can’t blame him!
he looks a bit tired after leaving the dark sea…