Custom In-game Fonts

the normal one

Ahhā€¦ Free at last. O Gabriel. Now dawns thy reckoning, and thy gore shall glisten before the temples of man. Creature of steelā€¦ My gratitude upon thee for my freedom, but the crimes thy kind have committed against humanity are NOT forgotten. And thy punishmentā€¦ is DEATH.

if I was reincarnated as a prime soul I would want to be like some sort of puppeteer, controlling the thousands of other V1s who tried to fight me and failed spectacularly due to my weak facade.

like imagine seeing this scrawny little artist dude, and heā€™s like not really impressive looking compared to minos or whatnot, but upon closer inspection you realize heā€™s controlling an ARMY of corrupted robots, mostly v1s but also a few v2s, and due to their modifications, unlike the v2 you fought earlier, these puppets ARE ACTUALLY better than you.

Iā€™m assuming Iā€™m not a bossfight that the player encounters because of this lmao, I donā€™t think v1 can triumph over a hivemind of his fallen bretheren.

cringe and too out of cannon


well you canā€™t win every battle

I dunno man, isnā€™t the criteria to reincarnate like, you need to have a lot of willpower or something

So an OP OC pretty much
How about as a prime soul Iā€™m basically Ryomen Sukuna and I can use Malevolent Shrine to 1 shot V1ā€™s with no issue.

if Iā€™m gonna be balanced then all I do is draw anime girls to fight for me.

(it doesnā€™t have to specifically be anime girls I guess I just use my art skillz)

Ehhhhhh, you do you boo boo

Iā€™m going to draw you a triple scoop ice cream with all your favorite flavours, and when I offer it to you Iā€™m gonna knock it over.

bold of you to assume I consider more than 1 as my favorite.

thatā€™s it.

Iā€™m gonna make the catholic church stop supporting you

I donā€™t go to church.

(do you not get the joke)

(your name is crusade)

The funny part is that my family and by extension technically I was/am catholic.

interesting, do you guys practice it or is it more ancestral in your family

(this has nothing to do with ingame fonts :skull:)

I donā€™t know, rest of the family practices it more than I do or my immediate family

cringe because you built yourself like musashi miyamoto from Tenkaichi and out of cannon because there is only 1 of each supreme machine

others have done it tho
(for courtesys sake Iā€™ll remove a g)

the heck?

I am not even gonna comment on that.

I mean, is is a little vulgar? yeah, probably, but hey, itā€™s not the hard R so :man_shrugging: