Cyborg Fighting Style V2

Cyborg Fighting Style V2
effort 1.642857142857143 14 quality 1.0 13 reasonability 1.117647058823529 17


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Does not fit AO at all, never cook again you caused a wild fire before, this is no different

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worse than ramen’s fstyle suggestions

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Novel concept! Still like how you’re trying to refine your stuff- Id say youre getting closer…

Even though the game is somewhat medeival… Small very simple thing dark sea “tech” would be a fun idea!

how the FUCK did they burn what was already incinerated :sob:

anyways y’all should read my suggestion it’s way better ong:

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Writing and posting every bad idea you have is really not the way to go here.

Try looking at suggestions that have been posted before and try to figure out why they are liked or hated and try to build future suggestions off of those qualities.

Take it from me, if you want to be an active suggester then you’ll need to be able to see when your own ideas are bad and know what will or won’t be received well.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having bad ideas.

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buddy, i said it once and i will say it again
we are NOT bringing 23rd century technology into a game whose best tech compares to that of the dark ages

quit the forums.

Is it really so hard to give actual feedback instead of telling people to give up, we’ve reached the point where half the suggestions posted anymore are just me, if this keeps up I’m going to have this entire catagory to myself.

sounds good to me, you have the best suggestions.

The kitchen cannot be ran with only one chef.
Most if not all of the suggestions I write are inspired by things other people have suggested and said about suggestions aswell as in other posts and even art sometimes but that is to a much lesser degree.

It takes me much longer to write without anything to build off of lol.

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who is?


yea his is pretty good ngl check it out

womp womp


There are multiple issues I have with this suggestion that clearly show the lack of effort being put into this suggestion.

Firstly, half the entire suggestion is unnecessary rambling on how you’ll obtain this fighting style. Then mix it with lore writing that doesn’t belong and terrible formatting that is on par with opticalcord suggestion making this suggestion hard to follow.
And this is before I even start criticizing the suggested idea itself, figure out how this suggested fighting style will work in-game before spending half your effort on figuring out the obtaining method.

Second, how will this fighting style even fit the game’s environment in the first place? The very idea of a cyborg is inconsistent with the game’s narrative and environment. It might be shocking but the game is set somewhere in middle age.

Third, the details of this suggested fighting style might as well be non-existent. The only information you gave is that this fighting style has higher speed and defense and less damage, it also apparently causes explosions or something.
I couldn’t tell exactly how this fighting style would be more different than simply punching people and casting spells.

Fourth, your justification and reasoning are lacking. Your only idea on why this fighting style you suggested is that magic cyborg is very cool, nonsense like “magic always messes up the flow of innovation” (what do you mean??), and that technology made with dark sea ingredients is strange? I think this is probably the only decent part of the entire suggestion lol.
It’s pretty clear that if you’re going to justify adding an absurd idea that doesn’t fit the game like a cyborg then you’ll need far more reasons than simply “cyborg is very cool haha”.

So this suggestion is horrible with no redeemable quality, that’s the only way I can describe it. Scrap this idea and move on. Honestly, I probably spent 10x more effort writing this reply than the suggestion post itself.

The funny thing about this is that I distinctly remember that vetex saying he was interested in adding a cyborg fighting style in a past QnA.

good job on removing the soda part