Da wise bomba give you advice

what is

what is the secret of life

da secret of life
is dat a lotta things are made up
and dat you shouldnt let bombo things prevent you from being your best self
da wise bomba speaks this truth


Give me your whole supply of fish

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da fish are sleeping because bombo cold
da wise bomba says to wait
until fish are woke up

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what’s the meaning of life


wat is difference between bombo and bomba
tank u

da wise bomba says
dat da meanin of life
is to be da happiest you can be
enjoy da warm sweetin days
and eat bombos

instead of what
say you when
da wise bomba tells this true

oh wise bomba
what is true mean of life

if i didn’t know better i woulda said you were writing in haiku

me is bomba
da wise bomba
bomba is bombo wise
and like eatin bombos
dat is da difference
da wise bomba explains

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da meanin of life
is not worry so bombo much about da meanin of life
but to enjoy your time in life
with da friends and da eatin bombos
da wise bomba knows this

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O, Bomba, what is the source of your almighty and revered wisdom?


thank you wise bomba

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