Dark sea trailer discussion


There’s also this mace weapon which looks to be a spiky sea urchin. Pretty cool!
Screenshot (323)


Sailor Style Selino giving us a better look at the finishing crescent impact than the Iron Leg video did :eyes:

I want to see people say Selino’s visuals are boring now

I knew it would look better with other fstyles, Iron Leg is just boring lol.


It’s confirmed guys, Sirens are bird people, NOT mermaids


Kinda wish this was the case though

New islands look cool asf

Magic’s anti-aging properties don’t work like this, though. It keeps you at a young age for longer, not an old age for longer. And gaining magic doesn’t immediately slow your aging, the more you train and use your magic the longer your lifespan gets. The more powerful the mage, the slower the age. A very old wizard who’s only a few years away from death like Enzior wouldn’t be able to train his magic enough to slow his death by any significant amount, since he has already finished almost all of his aging.

I’m guessing Enzior has been alive for a few hundred years already and is now at the limit of how long his magic can keep him kicking for.

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Wealth, fame, power. Mimhere, the king of AO, has achieved this and all other things the world has to offer. His dying words drove countless people to the seas. “You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything behind at that one place. All you have to do is find it!” And so, players headed for the Dark Seas in pursuit of Mimhere Island. The world has truly entered into the Great Arcane Odyssey!



bro looks so cool


Now THAT is a problem…
imagine you’re on low hp doing a solo run, and then THIS pulls up on you. it would be nightmare fual

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I’ve seen sirens depicted as horrifying versions of mermaids, flying mermaids with bird wings, but never have I seen them straight up just be bird people with bows.

hear me out, from what I’ve seen so far, sirens look way more like what I’d expect a Valkyrie to look like lol.

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does he also have red eyes? we dont know if it Wimterveil exclusive but i dont think any characters ( even the MC ) have red eyes other than Neviro, heir of Winterveil



Sirens being birds oddly reminds me of how the Zora (fish race) turned into the Ruto (bird race) in TLoZ: The Windwaker

I wonder why they exist in the first place.

The Enzior Update is hype. Dark sea mid but enzior hot

Given what Sirens are known for I’d say that their abilities translate to increased insanity as long as you hear their song, hopefully not crossing into insanity 5 if you’re in the 5th range since that’d be really dumb.

Hilariously, this would probably work exactly how it does in myths and draw plenty of players into their deaths wanting the rewards for killing them.

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I’m excited for Massive white Eyes.

is this water poisoning effect already in game or am i trippin (i probably am)
it’s at like the 0:20 mark on the trailer


yeah rough waves in the dark sea can be magic imbued. probably poison imbued water.

Its radioactive.

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Oh and so can hurricanes and whirlpools. Fire tornadoes exist in the darksea.

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