The system doesn’t breathe it can’t waste oxygen
i will change that so i can make it suffer
Why are you so toxic my man?
its an autobot i can say whatever i want to it >:3
I mean I also show my disrespect towards ai sometimes but damn why so mean even I am less tocksic
i just have more of a spine than you ig
I wonder who will be the first to die if ai takes over
My believes tell for me to view this as unacceptable behaivor on land many respectable people walk on, your hatred is and will be seen as unpleasant and frightening wording of yours to hear whever near your establishment, but indeed it is understandable of us to feel how it is to see what @system represents and how we hope they will recieve our message in hope for them to exit our lands forthwith.
For what I shall believe my wording may confuse but I won’t be present upon to answer as I do have other important doings to be doing so my presence now shall be doing gone,
good day to them and good night for them!
(sounded funny so i will leave it here )
this is why you dont go over your weed limit
toxicity aint funny either
Average convo with a AS member
System did nothing wrong. Discobot however:
This thread explains the allegations
As a questionable question asker. I can confirm that the System is innocent.
Discobot used their propoganda and position in the heirerarchy to get the thread closed