Debyl's Studio Dump

Bro hung up his weapon like one of those deer head taxidermy :sob:

Man a game based off the arcane universe with original characters to choose from like bg 3 would go hard

(he has the crystal curse btw, the other guy who had it is scrapped)


Yooo what model is the sheikh headscarf thing from?

this thing right here

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Thanks man!

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alr so I literally have no fucking idea what to do, so I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel and posting my older work.
(i tried making like 6 different rigs but they all looked ass :sob:)

(this guy might have his own gate idk)

(he was submerged in that pool of lunar, using it as a stealth move (idk man)

tiwaz skating to wotan to inform him that he shat his pants (he gotta look unphased)

:exclamation:I’m open for suggestions on what to do :exclamation:


Eating those effects up :ok_hand: suggestions on in game characters or your own?

literally anything ingame or oc, whatever i need to do smth :hungry: :hungry: :hungry:

Cernunno maybe? I have no idea either lol

Speaking of suggestions you ever thought about making fashions for each nation? Like how each nation’s mage would look like etc etc

Like a full on world building concept sheet

Elius in modern fit (turtlenecks supremacy :pray:)

Cernunno :hungry: :hungry: :hungry: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:


im sorry but can i ask how you pose the models?

Moon Animator then ctrl-h once ur done posing to hide the ui

i dont have moon animator :skull:

You can’t get the plugin in studio?

naw i cant its 30 dollars bro :sob:

fuck roblox for making it cost real money (i pirated it from some yt video)

send me it bro i am broke :sob: