Deckhands Adjustments (Obtainment and Leveling)

Deckhands Adjustments (Obtainment and Leveling)
effort 4.8 15 quality 4.866666666666666 15 reasonability 4.928571428571429 14

Forgot abt cargo runs’ existence completely and u make a good point

this is an insane suggestion. i love it

i was not “convinced” to vote for this suggestion

another one

omw to instantly cheese them

(unless they’re a mage lol)

I like how in-depth this adjustment can be, including the limitbreaking and all.

its good aswell. isnt it weird that every suggestion we make about deckhands is 10x better than the system we have ingame???

You could say vetex’s system is just an afterthought tbh

Probably that tbh, he’s focusing on other stuff while ao was in development after all, so he could’ve rushed the idea in the process

bump time

still good

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