Deepwoken fans when Youtuber mentions AO

idk that’s for smart people to figure out

Come on, at least for Deepwoken there can be good arguments, but this…? Just… god…

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he did not list a single good game :skull:

aren’t like all 3 of these bandit beaters or something

the last one is a log beater


yep, all of them

shindo life has you beat up “training logs” to level up or smth

it’s just a clicker game at that point wtf

i used to play it and all you do is spam quests to level up to level 1000, rebirth and roll for good abilities


with this logic we may as well say every single naval based game has ripped off god because he made the ocean first

clearly they are not ready for the truth

bro I can’t tell if these people are serious or if they actually are this stupid :skull:

how many of these do you think are just people fishing to start an argument

like cmon one of the best ways to do so is compare AO to those games

bro theyre fans of youtubers that play anime fighting games for their vids. they only care about the combat and nothing else. no blade of grass has been touched by them

if the combat doesnt resemble deepwoken or any other top page anime fighting game, they will immediately call it ass

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99% of comments like that are pretty clear jokes theyre definetely trolling

so even if the game looks like a literal block of cheese with no detail or soul but they can zoom around with the shift button and use really unfair stunlock combos then the game is top tier???


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