Describe to person above u in a sentence

Wdym ?

ur french


france but it has cheese

I am swiss Mr.The element

did i stutter

france with cheese

also how about you stop calling me the element 'fore i start putting the element of my balls in your mouth :woozy_face:


Sorry but I’m not gay

Bro? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :camera_flash:

isn’t france also known for cheese tho?

@DubiousLittleTyp0 would love it tho, Ask him

bro just accept it switzerland is literally just france but it has more cheese

im wearing a tophat its fine

its more known for frog legs, mona bitcha and the president being a goblin

and paris being a shithole

What’s that ?

What’s scrotum ?



Nobody I know likes you, so neither do I
