@discobot Fortune

nekos are superior

Bro why :sob::sob::sob:


I’m not a furry like you :cookie::cookie::cookie:

Bro your name :skull::skull::skull: @Shellseawing

nekos better than furries

Is it bad that I don’t know what a nekos is?

neko is an abbreviated term for nekomimi

I googled it bro :skull::skull::skull:

ye. They are better

Should I look at the images of nekomimis?


turn on safe search. you never know

Bro :skull::skull::skull:

It said it ato turn on safe search :skull::skull::skull:

Eh must be in the settings.

It also sad it also ato concerned some stuff

I regret googling

Me to :skull::skull:

This is truly an arcane oddyssey

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@discobot fortune

do you have hostages in your basement.

Just a normal not undercover FBI question.