Discobot racism allegations are insane

Discobot is racist confirmed?

Can’t wait to bring this up in 20 years.

Why is discobot racist to me…

@discobot fortune
Are your lack of responses to me racially motivated?

I’ve got a suggestion: make discobot not racist

@discobot fortune
when will Vetex finish Makrinaos

I don’t think that’s how fortune works

Indeed, you need to put your fortune after your prompt

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Ask again later

The discobot racism has been deemed important enough to have its own thread

Hold on can whoever sent the posts here change the name to discobot fortune discrimination (since that more accurately shows what the topic is about)

are you ignoring @Mr_hyperspace due to his skin color?
@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Without a doubt

Bro does not miss

Wait I’m descended from people in the eastern Mediterranean, my family most likely would have been killed during the incident for their heritage. DISCOBOT IS A NAZI!?

here is the answer to that

Do you confirm his thoughts?
@discobot fortune

Now that we are in a different topic lemme test if it’s working outside of the bit
@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Cannot predict now