Does the event start tomorrow?

Buddy living in the CST region
bully him…

how are you supposed to bully me about where I live :skull:

Search up “Cyber-bullying definition” in the search bar on the top of your screen by clicking/pressing on the search bar and typing in “Cyber-bullying defintion” then the first thing that appears on your screen is the definition of “Cyber-bullying (for teens)” by Kidshealth

I’d rather not

lazy yoshi8me behavior…
Sorry for yer loss

ive never seen someone so unironically stupid bruh… :skull:

I thought vetex said saturday somewhere.
Meaning likely Sunday for me ._.

i’m not gonna lie i used to think optical was stupid but at this point i think he’s just on another plane to me, be it lower or higher

Elment already does that easily with Australians

He’s on a plane that is on a different axis, either left or right, forward or backward or somewhere imaginary

he’s on a spectrum for sure


That one person: Bro imagine living under a roof in the USA. HAHAA could not be me

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fellow cster :pray:

if intelligence measured on a graph then optical would be on the 3 dimensional one

He’s surpassed the spectrum :sob:

Optical was baiting hard

(hard master at baiting)

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