The thread where people talk about how something or someone can beat up darkstalker with incredible violence!

shell I don’t think seawings are supposed to actually drink the seawater they just swim in it

unless that’s normal for you guys I wouldn’t know

Well we do have gills so it does enter our bodies will swimming so we can breath. :man_shrugging:

so you are drinking it just not with your mouth.


so does that mean if a seawing punched a wall or someone else they would be using sailors fist by default?

no, they would be punching a wall underwater.

no i mean like on land. (somehow)

no. dragons have claws. they ain’t gonna punch when it is so much easier to just cut and tear.

stupid humans and their weak nails.

sailor’s claw confirmed :scream:

no??? just normal claw but better cause bigger and you humans got no natural defenses.

yeah we do

it’s called having opposable thumbs

explain how having opposable thumbs (dragons do as well) saves you from a sword or arrow or some other similar objects coming towards you?

man tf yall doing

no idea.

well I mean it probably couldn’t help you during the battle…

oh yeah also we have bigger brains just saying…

you silly dragons be fighting with swords

while us chad humans have nuclear bombs and bioterrorism

sure you have animus but I have an infinity gauntlet soooo

no idea.

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now that I think about it what would happen if we detonated a nuke at the bottom of the ocean :thinking:

mostly we use spears because we have claws so no need for swords. Also most dragons have breath weapons.

Congrats you’re killing the planet you live on just to win silly disputes! At least with dragons it doesn’t bring animals and plants to near extinction.
Also less casualties total on our side

yeah and we have LPO 50’s and napalm throwers what’s the difference bub

haha loser imagine NOT wielding insanely dangerous weapons capable of mass extinction

also we have better medicine

still killing the planet. Dragons have science as well.

greater range

if you kill yourselves not gonna be our fault.

Dragons have better set immune systems.

(I am comparing Earth to the Dragon World from WoF)

if we’re going down everything else is coming down with us too.

also I’m pretty sure humans have like orbital strikes

bruh well then obviously you guys are better humans are like pointless side characters in WoF

well at least we have more emotions? idk

did you not read where I said