Easter Event 2024 Guide (HELP THE CAUSE)

i swear atlantean egg is impossible ive seen like 20 atlanteans with no egg next to them

if you can that would be helpful lol

yeah me too! it seems pretty rare lol

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Cataclysm Egg: Obtained by

how rare is the expedition egg?

i got it from my first sealed so probably not too rare

ive opend like 19

bruh i cant find this shit

look behind them they blend in

i found one, they just dont spawn on certain servers, had to hop like 4 times

when i was doing that on a diff acount i had to hop servers because no waves were spawning
so no islands were spawning

i went through 2 hours of islands, not a single one. hopped like 2 servers and found it on the first island, first structure

Yes… They are extremely rare, I think it should be added that the atlantean egg is that rare…

For the love of god Siren, Atlantean and cargo eggs are nigh impossible, it’s a nightmarish rng fest. Also ghost ships are bugged so you can’t actually get the egg from them.

how are they bugged?

Ghost ships were stuck to one place and dont move. It happened to two ghost ships that I encountered, and it also happened to someone else hete, who was very clearly frustrated and talked about it in the forums.

Idk about the other eggs tho. I havent been able to get close to Atlanteans yet (I got killed by one)

happened to me too…

I’ve encountered 2 bugged ghost ships and gotten eggs from both of them, you should be able to get them from sailing in the direction they’re facing since their cargo spawns still.

My egg find screenshots! (Strawberry egg and dragon egg)