Edith Kenton

I just want talk to him , I just want talk to him I just want talk to him , I just want talk to him I just want talk to him , I just want talk to him , I just want talk to him I just want shot him , I just want talk to him , I just want talk to him I just want talk to him , I just want talk to him I just want talk to him , I just want talk to him I just want talk to him , I just want talk to him I just want talk to him , I just want talk to him I just want talk to him , I just want talk to him I just want talk to him , I just want talk to him

good art

gun slings maybe

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something like this maybe, gun slings are modern but i think equivalents did exist in the 1800s

This still fits. It’s as if nothing changed.

Edward Kenton

Edna Kenton

How nice you drawn another genderbend character acko nice job

@anon94879859 can you draw a genderbent calvus pinning the neviro to the wall

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Bro :skull:

oh no :skull:



I think this art piece proves the degradation of men in today’s society. We have an insistence on turning every man, especially those of great significance to us personally, into a female version of him. Often, this is done solely because we as a people simply cannot appreciate someone for who they are. We do not appreciate hardworking and genuine men in our society, and thus we have to turn them into something our perverted minds can appreciate: an oftentimes sexualized woman. We, as a people, only appreciate superficial elements of a person—we judge them for things they cannot change, even if some of those aspects are fundamental to who they are as a person. Please stop genderbending characters, it is highly disrespectful and shows that you cannot appreciate those around you for who they are.


mmmm me like draw booby



calm down socrates its just roblox r63


dear god.


MISS MA’AM, HELLO??? I wanna court her…
:point_right::point_left: :kissing_closed_eyes:


I am, in fact, being sarcastic.

The teacher when I give them a 2 feet sculpture of roblox r63, which is a project of creativity:

i hope the principal personally kicks you out the door

she DOES look like she lived at an island doing nothing but fishing for 14 hours straight

and then went on to join a crew whose captain is just awake 24/7 for no reason and ALWAYS SAILING

