Emergency band-aid fix for the item wipe

Emergency band-aid fix for the item wipe
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 5.0 1

If the game detects that the player has played World Of Magic through badges and has not reached Redwake, then it won’t wipe items that are too high level for a level 1 to use (basically everything). This would probably not help many people at this point, but a few checks in the code will not take long to code.

what about just remove that change entirely, its already done what little good it can do and can only be a hinderance and annoyance for players from here on.

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everyone’s items literally got hit with a thanos snap; seems like hardline demands to revert everything aren’t working

iirc someone said the item wipe script is being left in to make it “fair” so everyone can get hit by the “no high level items on low level files” wipe

I am talking about the change that continues to wipe items above a player’s level/prevent trade.

keeping it “fair” just sounds like somebody making excuses to spite people.


i think it should be possible to remove the “no trading high level items to low level accounts” restriction though, it can coexist with the item wiping script that activates when someone joins for the first time after this update

yeah i got a sunken sword wiped on a file i had from wom that i had completely forgot about

i found the quote saying the item wipe code won’t be removed from the game

its just my opinion

What was exactly the point of this change in the first place?

Though this solution is a good idea regardless, doesn’t matter if its unfair to those who was effected by this, as that is saying “we suffered, so others have to suffer too”

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